
46 mommas shave for the brave 2012
46 mommas shave for the brave 2012

46 mommas shave for the brave 2012

Moments where the stars and planets were aligned and all was right with the world. I looked at Lainey less as an almost-four-year-old and more as the girl who will grow up and make her own mark on the world.īut mostly I just felt wholly present and grateful for family.įor knowing that so much of who I am comes from the grounding roots of where I’ve been…of where I belong. I thought a lot about legacy this weekend. My mom’s sisters (minus one who’s in Nigeria) and my grandma who might as well be a sister.

46 mommas shave for the brave 2012

Thankfully, Heidi thought to look for it for her on Eharmony. And in the end, there is joy…if you look for it. But she’s taught us to find happiness, to be content, to make the best of what we have. Things didn’t go perfectly as planned for my mom. It is slightly ironic–to give your mother away–and yet an amazing opportunity I’ll never forget. In a profoundly beautiful moment, my brother and sister and I walked down an aisle, behind my mom–the day before Mother’s Day–and smiled as we answered “Who gives this woman?” with a confident “ We, her children.” And then George came along and my, how we could never have chosen a better man to make my mom happy…to fit in so perfectly with our family. It’s something we’ve dreamed of for a very long time. I’ve been so busy with traveling and getting ready for the trip that I never really thought about how emotional it would be. I watched Lainey find her place in a line up of little cousins tucked under covers and I choked back tears as Nella was cuddled and loved by men who were once just little cousins I used to hoist on my own hip. And I like that lemonade.īut this weekend, the protective barrier I’ve built of making the best out of raising my family away from those I love began to deconstruct.

46 mommas shave for the brave 2012

I’ve squeezed my homesick lemons into lemonade that tastes like sunsets, cold sand, palm trees and Sunday kayak rides. I’ve programmed myself to focus on the fact that we can skip barefoot through sprinklers in our side yard in February or wade the gulf searching for bait fish any time we please. The unfortunate part of going home to visit is that once you are there, you begin to remember what you gave up to move away.

46 mommas shave for the brave 2012